
Laterognathia is a dento-maxillary anomaly in the transverse dimension defined by a functional disorder of mandible cinematics, with a lateral deviation of the closing path.

Objectives. To determine the incidence of the anomaly among a group of pa- tients who sought treatment in the Orthodontics Clinic of Cluj-Napoca in the period 2009-2011.

Material and method. The study included 300 patients. Classification was made by sex, age and type of anomaly. We have selected for presentation two clinical cases that we found to be representative for the anomaly, describing the diagnosis and therapeutic approach.

Results and discussion. The incidence of deviations was found to be 6%. An anatomic (skeletal) component was identified in 10% of the affected patients, 22% had functional deviations of the mandible and the rest of 68% had combined anomalies. Sex distribution was 53% female and 47% male. The most affected age group was the one over 12 years old.

Conclusions. Early diagnosis and individualized treatment is necessary, according to the patient’s age and anomaly type, in order to obtain good interarch relations and to support a good growth pattern. Orthopedic and orthodontic treatment is often only a stage of a more complex plan, involving surgery as well.


laterognathia, functional mandibular deviation, anomaly