
Having acquired a certain tradition - Medical Semiology taught by Prof. Goia I. for the first time in Cluj in 1919 - and an appropriate education base (Railway Company Clinical Hospital Cluj), one can review the Semiology education at Medical Clinic IV, from its beginning until today, initially for the Faculty of Dentistry students (1 Oct. 1963 Reader Dorca N., PhD, Prof. Faur A.) and subsequently for the students of the Faculty of General Medicine (1 Oct. 1986). The promoter for bringing GM grade III students at Medical Clinic IV was Reader Motocu Marius PhD, later promoted by competition as professor (1990). With the help of IMF Cluj management and the Railway Clinical Hospital Cluj management, the education basewas modernized and developed. The department staff was younger and increased in number. A special attention was paid to teaching, scientific and hospital activity, which is successfully continued also by those who followed at the leadership of the Department: Reader Chira V., PhD, Professor Drăghici A., PhD, Professor Lencu Monica, PhD and Reader Sâmpelean Dorel, PhD.

There is a continuous concern about improving the content and methodology of courses and residencies, improving their attractiveness to students, updating the means of exploration. Thus, residencies and independent study receive a special importance. The activity problem-based learning at the patient bedside is necessary and important.


Medical Semiology, course, residency, students