
Introduction. The alcoholism represents a multifactor disturbance, due to the interaction of biologic and genetic factors. Once installed, the alcoholism evolves in exacerbations and remissions. For the diagnosis of alcohol abstinence, several evaluation scales (CIWA-AR, AWS, AWIP) are available. The abstinence syndrome (AS) to alcohol has clinical manifestations during generally between 48 and 56 hours, varying in symptoms intensity from low (most frequently) to mental and vital high risk manifestations (less frequently).

Material and method. We studied the disturbances dues to AS by the question-naire CIWA; result were analyzed in respect to the subjects gender. The study was undertaken on 229 subjects, 157 man and 72 women, aged between 25 and 66 years. Descriptive statistic and statistical analysis calculus were made.

Results. By comparing the level of AS symptoms after alcohol consumption (CIWA) in function of gender, we observed more frequently the presence of AS symptoms in women, and the intensity of these symptoms was higher comparing with men.

Conclusions. The AS has more severe manifestations in females than in males, as assessed by the questionnaire CIWA.


alcohol, abstinence syndrome, symptoms, gender