
    In 1848 pharmacist Horváth Mihály established the first pharmacy in Aleşd, called Speranţa (Remény). Following the brief history of this pharmacy we will notice that in 1874 the pharmacy comes into the possession of Kocsiss József. In 1906 the personal rights of the pharmacy are transcribed to Kocsiss Béla, and since 1938 the his son, Kocsiss Dezső, pharmacist, became the new owner. In 1949 the pharmacy was nationalized and became the property of the Pharmaceutical Office Oradea, the pharmacy got the name Farmacia nr. 22 of Aleşd, and continued its activity throughout the whole communist period. Starting with the year 1991 it entered into private system as Angefarm, as the property of Mermeze Gheorghe, pharmacist, and from 2003 until now works under the name Vitalogy 3, as the property of Ghitea Sorin. A second pharmacy, Sfântul Anton was founded in 1937 by pharmacist Herceg Dobreanu Atena, which however had no continuity during the communist period.


history of Bihor pharmacy, Aleşd, Bihor county