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© Medicine and Pharmacy Reports, 2021
Maria Gabriella Malzone
Pathological Anatomy Service, Maria Rosaria Clinic, Pompeii, Naples, Italy
Marzio Di Meglio
Pathological Anatomy Service, Maria Rosaria Clinic, Pompeii, Naples, Italy
Dario Furgiuele
Pathological Anatomy Service, Maria Rosaria Clinic, Pompeii, Naples, Italy
Nicola Galantuomo
Ophthalmology center LASERVISTA, via Santa Chiara, Caserta, Italy
Sabrina Alfano
Pathological Anatomy Service, Maria Rosaria Clinic, Pompeii, Naples, Italy
Gennaro Mossetti
Pathological Anatomy Service, Maria Rosaria Clinic, Pompeii, Naples, Italy
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Primary non-Hodgkin diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the lacrimal sac: a rare case of aggressive tumor and literature review
Primary malignant lymphomas of the lacrimal sac are rare neoplasms. They are mainly B-cell lymphoma with nonspecific and atypical symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis and a delay in the appropriate cure. Early diagnosis made by biopsy and the right choice of treatments can increase the chance of survival. We report a case of a non-Hodgkin diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the lacrimal sac, involving also the drainage system, in a 77-year-old female. She presented with an epiphora, swelling and a heavy visual impairment at the left eye successfully treated with cycles of polychemotherapy and radiotherapy.